Make all text uppercase excel
Make all text uppercase excel

NOTE: The PROPER function only works correctly on names that have a single capital letter, at the start of each word in the name. This contact list has text in upper, lower, proper and mixed case. When people enter their contact information in online forms, the data you collect might be messy.

  • Now, because it's a table, the formula is copied down.
  • Then we'll select the first name in the list.
  • I'll just fix the heading here first: Name proper.
  • And i'm going to do that twice, so that I have a column for first name and last name.
  • make all text uppercase excel

    I'll right click and then I will select Insert Column to the left.We're going to insert a couple of columns for our new properly formatted first and last names Click OK, and here you go, it's formatted as a table.And because i have headers, I'll make sure that's checked off.I'm selecting this black and white design.Then i'm going to go up to the Home tab.First I'll select a cell inside the data.I'm going to make this a table, because it will make it much easier to copy down the formula.

    make all text uppercase excel

    This can be a pain, if you need to use that data. Any time that humans are entering their names, the chances are that the report you get will not be uniform.

    make all text uppercase excel

    This example shows new subscriptions for your newsletter, but it could be data from any kind of form entry - attendees, recent orders, you name it. Here you can see that some of the entries are all lower case, some wereĬaps. Let's take a look at an easy way to fix a common issue. Here is the full transcript for the PROPER function video.

    Make all text uppercase excel